Laboratory at Tvärminne Zoological Station 

The laboratory at Tvärminne Zoological Station offers excellent instrumentation for modern chemical and biological research, including facilities for water analyses, microscopy, and basic molecular work.

The laboratory services include, e.g., analyses of nutrients, chlorophyll, DIC, and C/N mass spectrometry. TZS has recently renovated experimental facilities with several light and temperature regulated walk-in climate chambers for aquarium experiments, as well as indoor and outdoor experimental aquaria facilities, all with flow-through seawater. For more, see the station´s web pages

Long-term monitoring data from the TZS area is available on temperature, salinity, nutrients, chlorophyll, zooplankton and benthic macrofauna, and one of the weather stations of the Finnish Meteorological Institute is located at TZS.

Phytoplankton culture flasks of FINMARI culture collaction, and experimental mesocosms in the laboratory.

The laboratory hosts a duplicate of the SYKE MRC phytoplankton culture collection, including hundreds of species strains which can be used in experimental work.


Laboratory chief Jaana Koistinen

Research coordinator Joanna Norkko