FINMARI facilities
FINMARI has adopted a stepwise strategy to tackle the 3-D spatial and temporal heterogeneity of the marine system, and the fast turnover of several biological communities, by applying state-of-the-art and emergent measurement techniques to the nested, hierarchical levels of variability:
- ship-of-opportunity network of regular ferry routes
- research vessels, gliders, Argo floats and towed acoustic, optical and sampling devices,
- continuous flow-through and buoy measurements at the automated research station on Island Utö,
- a network of profiling buoys in the vicinity to 4 coastal stations
- bottom habitats, by measuring seabed geological properties, high-resolution habitat mapping with multiple sonar techniques,
- experimental ananalytical laboratories, where novel facilities are developed for marine process studies, scenario testing, food web interactions, and trait parameterization within the joint research framework
The facilities are developed and updated continuously, to support modern marine research and produce observations and data with best available technologies.
Links to the facilities are below.