FINMARI is a distributed network of four Finnish research institutes and three universities, complementing each other. The consortium operates research vessels, field stations and laboratories, automatic platforms and instruments, and platforms for research and surveillance of the marine environment, providing thus open access to the facilities and data. FINMARI provides a unique contact point to all major Finnish marine research infrastructures. FINMARI is coordinated by the Finnish Environment Institute Syke.
The overall target of FINMARI consortium is to facilitate the synergies among the specific, non-overlapping research niches of the partner institutions, to strengthen their interaction, and to create and maintain joint open access procedures for Finnish and international scientists across the infrastructures for marine research.
The FINMARI consortium consists of 7 research partners, each with a distinct profile and competences, leading to their RI development role in the consortium.
Three University partners
- University of Helsinki (UH)
- University of Turku (UTU)
- Åbo Akademi (ÅAU)
are represented by their marine field stations, located along the W-E gradient of the Finnish southern archipelago zone. This enables comparative spatial studies along environmental gradients , both in the field and in experimental laboratories. Their facilities offer suitable overlap to enable this, but most importantly for FINMARI, the scientific niches of each field station complement each other.
Ice sampling in the Baltic Sea in March and trawling in herring in rough weather.
Four governmental research institute partners
- Finnish Environment Institute (Syke)
- Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI)
- Geological Survey of Finland (GTK)
- Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)
provide a wide array of heavy-duty marine and fisheries research RI and develop this in synergy with the FINMARI strategy, to develop and maintain FINMARI as an internationally esteemed open access RI for the scientific and Research, Technology, Development and Innovation communities.