SYKE - Finnish Environment Institute
The Finnish Environment Institute Syke is a multidisciplinary research and expert institute. Its key role is to solve society's most burning questions that have an impact on the environment. Syke provides necessary information, multidisciplinary expertise and expert services for public and private decision-making. Marine research facilities are located in the Research Infrastructure Unit.
Syke is responsible for carrying out national monitoring related to the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) (e.g., biogeochemical fluxes from the catchment, pelagic and benthic parameters, satellite imaging, litter, underwater noice) and maintaining databases for the Baltic Sea on the national level.
It carries out multidisciplinary research on the functioning of seas by integrating modelling, measurements and observations.
Syke operates under the auspices of the Ministry of the Environment. Its expertise is used in the implementation of Finnish marine resource management planning and the Baltic Sea environmental protection convention.
Loading the rosette sampler on Aranda, microalgal cultures in laboratory.
Syke coordinates FINMARI.
Its role in the research infrastructure includes the operation and management of the largest Finnish research vessel Aranda and the Alg@line on-line observation platforms. Syke participates in the automated Utö Atmospheric and Marine Research Station led by FMI. The Marine Research Laboratory of Syke has excellent facilities for experimentation in micro to mesoscale, including development of automated measurement technologies and platforms. The laboratory hosts the FINMARI Baltic Sea phytoplankton culture collection.
Dr. Jukka Seppälä, Consortium Director
Doc. Katri Kuuppo, Consortium Manager
Doc. Riitta Autio, RV Aranda
Dr. Anne-Mari Luhtanen, Marine Research Laboratory