Husö Biological Station and
Korpoström Research station 

Husö biological station belongs to the department of Environmental and Marine Biology at Åbo Akademi University. The station is located in Finström on the Åland Islands in SW Finland.

Locations of Huso Biological Station on the Åland islands, facing to the Bothnian sea, and the Korpoström  Research Station at the outer Archipelago Sea.

The station functions as the base for aquatic studies, but also botanical, mycological and entomological studies are conducted. The station laboratory provides space and equipment for experimental aquatic ecology, laboratory analysis, biological sampling as well as field investigations of coastal areas and lakes.

Husö facilitates long-term monitoring, coastal field studies, and experimental research especially of the shallow waters in the least disturbed archipelago area of the Baltic Sea.

The station has a long tradition on application of scientific results in management, legislation, and other societal purposes in co-operation with different third sector bodies.

A scientific diver is preparing for a dive in summer, and icy coast cliffs from the air in winter. 

The Husö Biological Station collaborates closely with the  Korpoström Research Station. More information of the facilities in the field stations of the Åbo Akademi University are presented on their web pages.


Åbo Akademi University

Korpoström Research Station and Archipelago Center


Director Martin Snickars

Station manager Tony Cederberg