New FINMARI application submitted


FINMARI consortium submitted a new application to Academy of Finland (FIRI2016 Call), with a new partner institute, Natural Resources Institute Finland.

The first building phase of FINMARI is being completed during 2016, in terms of

(a) establishing an exhaustive national marine RI network from the onset of consortium in 2013,

(b) establishing the management structure for the consortium,

(c) nomination of FINMARI on the national RI roadmap in 2014,

(d) initiation of major RI upgrades according to the formulated joint research framework (FIRI2014), and

(e) extensive networking on the current European level.

In 2015, also the newly formed Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) joined FINMARI.

FINMARI's FIRI2016 Action Plan marks the launching of the second building phase (2017-2018) of FINMARI consortium.