SYKE/MRC receives the first Imaging FlowCytobot delivered to Europe


The instrument is first lifted out from the submersible housing to prime the fluid channels.

SYKE/MRC has just received the instrument, and the initial priming and testing phase in the lab has started

The IFCB instrument from McLane Research Laboratories is an automated imaging flow cytometer that generates high-resolution images of phytoplankton-sized (<10 - 150 micrometers) particles in-flow.

Laser-induced fluorescence and light scattering from individual particles are measured and used to trigger targeted image acquisition. Depending on the target population, the IFCB can generate on the order of 30,000 high resolution images per hour. Images will be available in real time. Together with automated image classification software, the instrument will produce planktonic community data in unforeseen temporal frequencies.

The instrument will be used for experimental research on plankton dynamics and for continuous field observations. It opens up completely new possibilities to cover the inherent fast variability of planktonic systems in both research and monitoring.

IFCB was purchased with Academy of Finland FIRI2014 funding.

After the technical warm-up, accumulation of Baltic Sea phytoplankton images will start, to create a training set for automated image classification software.
Setting the software parameters for image acquisition.