2nd FINMARI Researcher Days: Mark the dates!


The annual all-partnership Researcher Days in 2016 will be arranged on November 2nd-3rd in Tvärminne.

The purpose of the FINMARI Researcher Days is to collect the Finnish marine research community to present ongoing research, to discuss future plans, and to inform on networking options nationally and internationally.

In 2016, Researcher Days will also host the first meeting of the FINMARI Scientific Advisory Board. The distinguished SAB members will briefly represent themselves to the partnership and provide feedback on ongoing and planned FINMARI activities - both during the sessions, and informally in the cozy Tvärminne facilities, including the sauna. Grab the opportunity and be there!

More detailed information will be available on FINMARI main page in August-September, but mark the dates firmly in your calendar already now, and react promptly when the registration opens (tentatively September 15th), as there are obvious space limitations at the station.